Center Needs

AdobeStock_248282453The ministry of A Woman’s Friend is a team effort comprised of many partners throughout the entire Body of Christ. As Peter states, “Whatever gift each of you may have received, use it in service to one another, like good stewards dispensing the grace of God in its varied forms.” (1 Peter 4:20)

Prayer Partners

Prayer is essential for the day to day functions of the Center. Prayer is essential for our clients who have a great need to experience the love and the grace of their heavenly Father. Prayer is essential for the leading and guiding of our staff and volunteers to remain pliable in the hands of God.

Church Partners

The church can motivate Christians to give of their time, talent and treasure. Many local churches include A Woman’s Friend in their missions budget.

Event Partners

The successes of our three annual fundraising events are essential for the continued operation and outreach of A Woman’s Friend. These events include a Walk for Life, Baby Bottle Boomerang Campaign, and Benefit Banquet. To find out more about upcoming events and how you can be involved check out our Events/Upcoming Events page.

AdobeStock_410814246Financial Partners

Because AWF does not receive any government funds, or generate any funds from the clients we serve, we depend solely on donations from individuals, businesses and churches who are passionate about life for the support of the ministry.

Monthly giving is the foundation of our financial support, allowing us to plan our budget and be good stewards of your investment.

Become a Legacy Partner by donating $1,000 a year—the estimated amount needed to save a baby’s life through AWF.

Other ways to support A Woman’s Friend financially are through:

  • Memorial gifts
  • Gifts of stocks
  • United Way and other employer giving plans
  • In-kind gifts
  • GoodSearch and GoodShop
  • Annual Benefit Banquet
  • Baby Bottle Boomerang
  • Walk for Life

And other special giving opportunities

Are you a Champion for Life?

You can be a Champion for Life by financially supporting this life-saving and life-changing organization. In God's economy, no gift is too small. Together, let's make a difference. Click the button below to Donate Online.